Service Seafood Displays
Rejuvenate your Fish and Seafood department with a modern, clean and appealing look. Our vendor has stunning displays in a variety of service display cases.
Unlimited Design Combinations

Seafood Service cases manufactured in half curves, S-curves and straight cases, all in modular pieces to create endless possibilities
Many Styles and Sizes to Choose From

Straight refrigerated or curved cases
Simple cases or add on front merchandisers or modular shapes
Optional integrated lobster tanks
Wrap around, front and removable ice bins
Optional Blue LED light wash around base
Many more options and custom designs
Nothing Fishy About It! Let us know what you are looking for in size, color, form and function and we can work with our vendor to design exactly what will work for you. Options like blue LED bottom light wash and modular cases will have customers drawn to your Seafood Department.