Wheelchair Cart
Our shopper’s aid & wheelchair carts provide excellent customer service, while giving you a durable and safe addition to your mobility assistance offering.
Care Chair

The Mart Cart Care Chairs are designed to provide your customers with a comfortable and helpful wheelchair-aided shopping experience. Features include:
17 in x 26 in 10 in (LxWxH) Basket with 50 lb capacity, which swings up for Easy Entry and Exit
HD Vinyl Seat (Yellow or Gray) (20 inch) for maximum comfort with a 400 lb capacity
Parking break for safety
Anti-stand / Anti-fold Back for Safety and Security
Fold Away Footrests
Shopper's Aid II

Available in an array of colors, Shopper's Aid can be quickly attached to any shopping cart in seconds and will safely carry two children or one adult passenger. Features include:
Minimal assembly required, easily adjusts to fit any size shopping cart
Seven Shopper’s Aid II’s can be nested in a space of only 10 feet.
Extra storage space under seat for purse or diaper bag.
Rider(s) payload of 400 lbs. maximum
Our vendor supplies a number of products that will meet the needs of your shoppers and your business.